Dawn Leibenhals, Master Reiki Practitioner
Dawn Leibenhals

Dawn has been a Reiki Practitioner for over 16 years.
Her journey to discovering Reiki came into being after she suffered some profound traumatic but ultimately life changing experiences and she was seeking something that offered her the emotional strength and support she was so in need of.
After researching the benefits of Reiki she went on to experience several transformative treatments. She felt a profound difference on every level; physically, mentally, and spiritually. This inner journey convinced Dawn that she wanted share this energetic healing modality with others, and felt compelled to train to become a Reiki Practitioner.
The benefits of Reiki can be felt on many levels, not just the physical, and the effects can be profound because it treats the whole person, through the balancing and harmonising of mind, body and spirit. It is excellent for stress management and anxiety because it relaxes the body allowing tensions to be released and it can aid recovery from illness or trauma, as it stimulates the body’s own self healing mechanisms.